Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving start

Been wanting to start a new blog for a while
one where there's less emo teenage complaining,
where there is more thanksgiving for God's provision in the people and things in my life :-)

People usually do thanksgiving at the end of things
but who is there to stop me from starting off with one :D

'Once in a lifetime' because i'm a 打粉
and because i feel like i'm too ungrateful for the things that happen in my life and forgets them too easily

To begin before i write the HK days entry, 

I thank God for choosing the foolish,
so we don't need to study hard to understand his amazing grace given us in Christ at the Cross.

despite the fact theoretically i don't need to "study" anymore WAHA



  1. i'm even going to post photos on this one :D

    and don't make it sound like i'm the only one having bajillion blogs =P
